Regression Analysis of Logging Activities on Caribou Populations in Omineca Region, BC
Each polygon represents a separate caribou herd in the Omineca Region with their respective population ranges.
Silviculture disturbances are shown superimposed on the location of the caribou herds. A relationship is apparent; areas with the highest concentration of logging activity lack caribou presence.
An Ordinary Least Squares regression analysis was conducted on the relationship between logging activities and caribou populations. The OLS model indicated a negative relationship between logging activities and caribou herd population. The regression residual map highlights herds that deviate away from the regression model. Polygons which are of high contrast are highly deviating; red polygons deviating negatively and blue deviating positively. This map predicts the future of the caribou herds in this region. The red polygons represent herds which are predicted to have their population decrease at a rate faster than the regression estimates. Whereas, blue polygons represent herds which are predicted to have their population decrease at lower rate than the estimated model value. However, despite the positive deviation from the regression model all caribou herd population are estimated to decrease.